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Choose your pricing plan

  • Yearly Membership

    Every month
    Pick any 1 Hour Service, every month, for the entire year! Book extra services for $99 too!
    Valid for 12 months
    • Quantum Crystalline Energy Session
    • 1 Hour Psychic/Medium Reading
    • Half & Half - 1 Hour
    • Guidance for Spiritual Development
    • Crystal Reiki
    • Reiki
  • Meditation - 10 Session Pack

    Please read:this allows a budget friendly method to enjoy an amazing meditation circle! Packages are valid until the end of June each season only, regardles of when purchased.
    Valid for 6 months
    • Developmental Meditation
  • 4 Pack

    This allows for monthly services on a budget for those not ready to sign up for a yearly membership,
    Valid for 3 months
    • 4 pack of 1 Hour Services
    • Guidance for Spiritual Development
    • 1 Hour Psychic/Medium Reading
    • Crystal Reiki
    • Half & Half - 1 Hour
    • Quantum Crystalline Energy Session
    • Reiki
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